
This tool was found under Dr. Wang's T3PP technologies for resource power point presentation under Microsoft technologies.

What is PowerPoint?
PowerPoint is a tool used for presentations made by Microsoft. It is used for presenting any information that the presenter wants to present. 
PowerPoint can be easy to use after you have learned the basics. There are several instructional videos you can find on YouTube that will help explain how to use it. In my opinion I do believe that Google Slides is easier, to use for me than Microsoft PowerPoint. It has costs money to use but once you pay for it you have all access to everything it provides. PowerPoint can be a little versatile, it just depends how you decide to use it. If you decide to use it just for presentations then it wouldn't be that versatile. But if you do a little research there are several different ways you can use Microsoft PowerPoint. You can make Jeopardy's for your class to play and learn. You can even make videos on PowerPoint and present them. It has the ability to be versatile you just have to do some research. 

How does it relate to the 7 Events Framework?
It relates to the 7 events framework in the second stage and the fourth stage. PowerPoint allows a teacher to inform learners of the objectives I have for my class and the content we will be learning. It has allows me to present the content in an easier way than just lecturing. It also makes it easier for my students to take any notes that could be on the PowerPoint. 

I definitely plan on using PowerPoint in my future classroom. I plan on presenting my content with this tool. I also think I could make Jeopardy's with this tool which would make for a fun way to learn any new content. The other way I could use it in my class is when I want my students to do any presentations of their own I would suggest for them to use PowerPoint.

Link to the Website

Link to how to use PowerPoint


  1. This is a good post! I also think that it correlates to the 7-Event framework too.


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