Loom is a tool that I have chosen to explore out of my own interest. I have recently used Loom for one of my college courses and thought it would be a great technology to do more research about.
What is Loom?
Loom is a tool to record and upload videos. You can record with your camera, microphone, and desktop all at the same time. I believe that it is really easy to use. Just a week ago I needed to create a book talk using loom and it took me less than five minutes to do. All that is needed is to create an account and then you can start recording videos. Once you are in your account the recording and uploading process is easy as well. You will start recording and then if you like what you have done you can upload it, or you can delete it and try again. I don't think this technology is that versatile. All you can really do it with is create and upload videos. The ways that teachers use it could make it versatile though.
I could see myself using this technology in my future classroom. I could have my students use it to create videos themselves of projects. Or I could use it to record lessons for students who are absent, or use it to create demonstration videos. Students will be able to access the videos at home so if they get stuck and aren't understanding the lesson there will be a demonstration available for them to watch.
How it relates to TLC and TPACK/Webb's Framework?
I think this technology could honestly relate to the teaching, learning, and communication aspects of the TLC framework. It relates to the teaching aspect because I can upload videos of myself teaching new content, or doing demonstrations for a new lesson. It can be a learning tool for students because they can watch the videos I have created and learn how to solve some new math problems. They can also create their own videos on some content they need to research. I also believe I will be able to communicate with students with this technology. If students are absent and they want to know what we did during the day they can check to see what I have uploaded and practice the skills at home.
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I enjoyed reading this blog! I agree that this relates to all aspects of the TLC framework. I have also used Loom to turn in assignments and think it is an easy to use as well.